To add a stage or task below a locked task
Before adding a stage or task, open a workflow in edit mode.
If you select a locked task, the insert task or stage links do not work. To add a task directly below a locked task, you must perform the following steps.
Add a stage, approval task, or standard task.
To add a stage, click the Add Stage Row icon (Page with highlighted top row and plus sign image).
To add an approval task, click the Add Approval Row icon (Page with thumbs up and plus sign image).
To add a user task, click the Add Task Row icon (Page with clipboard and plus sign image).
For example, suppose that the locked task is 2.5 Review copy - informal (2.3). You would set the number of the new task to 2.6. After you finish naming the task, the system moves it so it is after task 2.5.