Updating and finishing tasks
When you create a task, or open a new workflow with existing tasks, the status of the task or tasks is Pending. As project members work on tasks, they update the status to indicate the current progress.
To place a task into any status, ensure that the workflow is in edit mode, and click the Status column of the task, then choose the appropriate status from the dropdown list.
Indicates that a task is in progress. Symbolized by the Circular arrows image icon. You can also type A to place a task in the active state
Indicates that a task was skipped. Symbolized by the X in check box image icon. Skipped tasks are tasks for which members no longer do work. Any dependencies of this task are also disregarded. You can also type S to place a task in the skipped state.
Indicates that a task is complete. Symbolized by the Tick mark in check box image icon. You can also type F to place a task in the finished state.
Note the following behavior.
If you enter 100 in the % Complete column for a task, the status is updated to Finished.
If you enter 0 in the % Complete column for a task (if it was previously finished), the status is updated to Pending.
If you enter any number from 1 to 99 in the % Complete column for a task (if it was previously finished), the status is updated to Active.
If you mark the status for a task as Skipped, all of the dates for the task are cleared. Until you hit Save (or Save and Finish), you can retrieve the dates by canceling the editing session. However, after you save the spreadsheet with the dates cleared you cannot retrieve them.
Approval tasks
To skip an approval task
To skip multiple tasks
To complete multiple tasks
To add an attachment to a task