To cancel an approval process
You can cancel the approval process at any time. Canceling the process does not delete the approval. You might decide to cancel rather than delete a review if you think you will need to see its details in the future.
If you cancel the approval process you cannot submit it for review at a later time. Any responses or comments made before cancelation are saved, essentially “freezing” the approval with all of its current details.
Select Operations > Approvals.
The My Active Approvals view appears by default.
Click the Actions icon (Folder image) and select All Approvals.
Click the Status icon (Page with green light image) and select Cancel Review.
The Approvals window appears.
The Summary tab of the approval appears. The All Approvals view shows the approval as Cancelled.
If you cancel an approval that is linked to a workflow task, the task is “crossed out” on the workflow tab. That is, the font for the task and all of its details changes to italics, strikethrough. Additionally, there is an ‘x’ in the status column, indicating the workflow is considered "Skipped."