Installing and configuring Adobe on client machines
For users to effectively use Adobe markup, you install Adobe Acrobat on each client machine used to access IBM® Unica® Marketing Operations.
After each installation on a Microsoft Windows platform, you must copy the customized UMO_Markup_Collaboration.js file from UMO_HOME\tools under the Marketing Operations installation directory, to the client machine. Copy this file to the JavaScripts subdirectory of the directory where you installed Adobe Acrobat. For example:
C:\Program files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\Javascripts\UMO_Markup_Collaboration.js
If an sdkSOAPCollabSample.js file exists in this directory, delete it.
Note the following.
If a user cannot view comments by other approvers, the UMO_Markup_Collaboration.js file is likely to be missing or incorrect.
In addition, users who use the Internet Explorer browser to access IBM® Unica® Marketing Operations must set Internet Explorer preferences to display PDFs in the browser.