Exemplos de alertas breves e detalhados

O exemplo a seguir mostra um e-mail que um usuário pode receber se o projeto estiver configurado para enviar alertas detalhados.

Subject: Project workflow updated: "Project 0004 (TRS1022)"
Project workflow updated: "Project 0004 (TRS1022)"
By: asm admin
When: Monday, October 15, 2007 at 1:38:24 PM EST
Task : 1.1 Determine objectives and theme (Task Code : <empty>)
Target Start changed to 11/01/2007 09:00:00 AM from 10/17/2007
09:00:00 AM
Notes changed to My Added new notes...... from Added new notes
% Complete changed to 6 from 3
Target End changed to 11/05/2007 05:00:00 PM from 10/19/2007
05:00:00 PM
Members changed to rm_user3, rm_user2, from asm admin
Task : 1.2 Estimate costs (1.1,1.1) (Task Code : <empty>)
Target Start changed to 11/06/2007 09:00:00 AM from 10/22/2007
09:00:00 AM
Notes changed to My Added new notes...... from Added new notes
% Complete changed to 25 from 10
Target End changed to 11/07/2007 05:00:00 PM from 10/23/2007
05:00:00 PM
Members changed to rm_user3, rm_user2, from asm admin
=103 to go to project.

O exemplo a seguir mostra um e-mail que um usuário pode receber se o projeto estiver configurado para enviar alertas breves:

Subject: Project workflow updated: "Project 0004 (TRS1022)"
Project updated: "Project 0004 (TRS1022)"
By: asm admin
When: Monday, October 15, 2007 at 1:38:24 PM EST
Comment: "Workflow" tab updated.
Description: Tradeshow for 1st Mutual Bank of Fred
=103 to go to project.

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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