Project template Workflow toolbar

The Workflow tab toolbar appears only when the tab is displayed in edit view. You use the buttons on the toolbar to add and delete stages and tasks and so on. The following table describes the toolbar.

Add task row. Click to add a task row. Inserts a new task in the workflow spreadsheet.

Add approval row. Click to add an approval row. Inserts a new approval task in the spreadsheet. Note that to configure the approval associated with this task, you must return to view mode and then click on the name of the task.
Insert Stage Row. Click to insert a new stage in the spreadsheet. Tasks are grouped in stages.
Copy: copies the contents of the selected cells to the clipboard.
Paste: pastes the contents of the clipboard, beginning at the selected cell.
Paste Rows After: pastes the contents of the clipboard below the selected row.
Fill Down/Up: copies a cell’s values to a range of cells.
Clear: erases all entries in the selected cell or group of cells.
Clear Column: erases all entries in the selected column.
Clear All: erases all entries in the workflow.
Move Selected Row Up. Click to move the selected task or stage upward. If you move a stage, the associated tasks move with it.
Move Selected Row Down. Click to move the selected task or stage downward. If you move a stage, the associated tasks move with it.
Delete the Selected Row. Click to delete the selected task or stage. Note the following:

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