Budget line item approvals

Depending on rule criteria your administrator establishes in project and program templates, budget line items may be automatically approved or sent through Unica Marketing Operations's approval process. For example, your administrator might define rules based on the line item's expenditure date, source account, or cost category. Your administrator can also select default approvers for each rule, such as object or account owners. If your administrator has written these rules in your organization's project and program templates, then budget line items must be approved, either automatically via rules or by the assigned approvers, before they are finalized and roll up to the parent program or plan. However, if your projects and programs use templates that do not contain budget line item approval rules, the functionality works as it did before Unica Marketing Operations 8.5.0 and line items can be finalized directly on the object's budget tab without going through an approval process in Unica Marketing Operations.

Approval status for line items can be seen on the object's budget tab in the second column of the Line Item Details table.

= In Progress
= On Hold
= Cancelled
= Completed

Once an approval is sent, you may or may not be able to edit the line item.


IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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