Workflow tab layout page

Use this page to set the appearance for both the spreadsheet and timeline views of a workflow tab.

Spreadsheet layout section
All: default setting; all boxes checked (all columns displayed)
Targets: hides Status, % complete, and Actual date columns.
Actuals: hides Target Dates/Effort and Member/Reviewer roles columns.
All dates: displays all columns related to target and actual dates.
Responsibility: displays columns related to who is assigned to complete the tasks.
Remember Last Setting: When viewing the workflow spreadsheet, you may adjust the first column width to see more or less of the task names.
Exactly: Select this button and enter a number to set the column to an exact width in pixels.
Timeline layout section
The increment of time used for measurement. Select either Weeks or Months. The default setting is Weeks.
These are the defaults for all users, for this workflow, until someone changes the defaults.

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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