About reports

By default, Unica Marketing Operations provides four reports and six dashboard components. The Unica Marketing Operations reports package provides additional example reports and dashboard report components created in Cognos 8 BI, a third-party business intelligence application.

You access reports from Unica Marketing Operations in the following ways.

Click the Analysis tabs of individual items like projects and marketing objects to see reports that apply to the current item.
Select the Analytics > Operational Analytics to see example Cognos reports that present data from more than one object.

The reports administrator can modify the reports, create new ones, add custom attributes, set up criteria filters, and so on.

Report appearance and output

Each Cognos report has a header, a body section, a page footer, and navigation buttons. When you run a report, it appears in your browser window in HTML format. For many of the reports, you can select a different format (for example, PDF or XML) to view.

Because the following reports have multiple queries, you cannot export them as CSV or XML files.


For further details on report output appearance and formats, see the Cognos documentation.

Sending reports in e-mail

Click the e-mail icon () to bring up a form where you enter e-mail addresses for recipients of the report. After you complete the form and choose OK, the report is sent in the current format chosen for display.

For example, if you choose PDF then e-mail, the report is sent as a PDF attachment to the message.

Enter the following information in the e-mail dialog:

E-mail addresses: type the address for each recipient, separated by semicolons.
Subject: type subject for the message. Defaults to the name of the report.
Body: type in the message.
Attachments: ensure the Include the report box is checked.
Do not select Include a link to the report; this option is not currently supported.

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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