To set up program or project metrics

This procedure describes setting up metrics for a program; setting up metrics for a project is similar.

While using the wizard, the tracking page displays the template tracking information for your program. You cannot change the type of information that is captured on this page. You can enter target values for the categories that exist on the Tracking page. Depending on how your administrator set up your program templates, the number of columns on this page can vary.
Enter the target value you want to achieve by executing this program in the Target column. For example, if the program is a product launch, you may want to achieve 100 contacts, or get 1 hour of media coverage.
If other columns such as Optimistic or Pessimistic appear, you can enter corresponding values. For example, if your target value for a Total Contacts category was 100, a Pessimistic value for Total Contacts might be 50.
Click Next to continue the program wizard.
When you are finished creating the program, the metrics you entered appear on the Tracking tab for that program.

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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