To add or edit line items

Line items outline the forecasted and committed costs for a program, project, or sub-project so a manager knows if the budget they have been allocated or plan to ask for is sufficient. Additionally, forecasted and committed amounts, once finalized, roll up to the accounts affected, providing visibility into budget and cash flow needs for higher level objects.

Click the Line Items icon ().
To add a new line item, double click an empty cell in the Item Descriptioncolumn. Enter an item name or description. To edit a line item, double click on it in theItem Descriptioncolumn and make changes as necessary.
In the Expenditure Datefield, enter the anticipated date that funds will be spent. Click the arrow to launch a pop-up menu from which you can select a date. You must enter an expenditure date for the budget to be finalized.
Select a source account from the Source Accountdrop-down menu. The funds for this program, project, or sub-project are posted against the account you choose when the line items are finalized.
Select a cost category from the Cost Category drop-down menu.
In the Committed Amount field, enter any committed funds related to the line item. Leave this field blank if no portion of the line item is committed.
In the Forecast Amount field, enter the amount that you predict or forecast the line item will cost.
Click Save and Finish to save your changes and go to the object’s Summary tab.

Unica Marketing Operations totals the line items, but they are not rolled into the parent object's budget until you finalize them. Finalizing line items may require approval. For more information, see To finalize budget line items.


IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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