To link a program to a plan

Once you have created a plan, you can link existing programs to it. When you link a program to a plan, all the plan participants receive an e-mail message informing them of the link.

Click the Manage Linked Objectsicon () and selectLink Existing.
The Link Existing Programs to Plan window appears.
Enter a string in the Find by name or code field and click Find or leave the field empty and click Find
The Search Results field shows only programs which you can link to the plan. Only programs with the same budget granularity and security policy as the plan will be available. Programs with a status of Cancelled, Deleted, or Completed never appear in Search Results.
In the Select a Program Area field select a program area. The program will belong to the program area that you choose.
In the Search Results field, click the programs to link to the plan.
Click the right-pointing arrows. The Selected Items to link field populates with your selections.
To deselect a program, click the program in the Selected Items to link field and click the left-pointing arrows.
Click Save Changes.

The program appears in the Supporting Program(s) field on the Plan Summary tab.

Linked programs appear with summary information on the Plan Summary tab in the Supporting Programs field. Click the program name to be taken to the Summary tab for that program.

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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