Editing access levels for a member

Unica Marketing Operations is a collaborative tool, and people using the software may need varying degrees of access to projects. Unica Marketing Operations accomplishes this, in part, with the ability to assign project members different object access roles, sometimes called access levels.

Access levels are default roles that exist for different types of objects. For example, a project has owner, participant, requester, and approver. A request has owner and recipient. While the names of the object access roles are fixed, the security permissions granted by them depends on the security policy assigned to the object.

Unica Marketing Operations objects contain the following access levels.

For projects, when a project is created using the wizard, all members added to the project become participants by default.

If you create a project from a request, the owner of the request becomes the requester of the project.

Sometimes, a project owner needs to change the access levels of a member or members. For example, after assigning people to roles, there are many people with the Participant access level. You can grant some of them owner-level access or deny some of them even participant privileges.

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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