Marketing objects

You can create new marketing objects if you have permission to do so. Once you create a marketing object, you can start it at any time. Starting the marketing object makes it active.

A marketing object is any work product a team develops and reuses in the course of its marketing activities. A marketing object can represent either a physical item, such as a letter, credit card, or banner ad, or a business component, such as a credit card offer, a target segment definition, or a rewards program definition.


Unica Marketing Operations marketing objects are defined in stages, and how they are defined influences how they are organized and presented to users. The following terms are important in understanding the definition and organization of marketing objects.

Marketing object type

A Marketing object type is the highest-level division for marketing objects. An administrator creates marketing object types. Each marketing object type has a menu item, but the menu on which it appears depends on how the administrator configured the marketing object type.

Marketing object template

A marketing object type is broken down into one or more marketing object templates. Typically, an administrator creates a marketing object template for each significant characteristic for the marketing object type.

Marketing object instance

A Marketing object instance is a single marketing object. Users with the proper security permissions create marketing object instances from marketing object templates. Throughout the documentation, we refer to marketing object instances simply as “marketing objects.”

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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