About grids

A grid is a spreadsheet-like presentation of data. Grids allow Unica Marketing Operations users to store all campaign- and project-related data within the project.

With grids, users no longer need to search through e-mail, a file folder, or another computer to find information about a campaign or project. Unica Marketing Operations serves as the system of record and offers enterprise-wide access to data stored in grids. Any Unica Marketing Operations user who has access to the project can view and edit the grid, if he or she has appropriate security permissions.

Users can move the traditional spreadsheet information into a grid within Unica Marketing Operations. Then, marketing managers can analyze, measure and report on the project- and campaign-related information within and across multiple projects or campaigns.

Depending on how your templates are defined, you may find grids on marketing object, plan, program, and project tabs. Campaign projects include a TCS tab that displays a special grid called the Target Cell Spreadsheet. You can create campaign projects only if Unica Marketing Operations–Unica Campaign integration is enabled.

A template creator configures grids, specifying the data source, whether data is grouped, whether a user can sort the data, and other grid characteristics. Then, administrators and users can use them when they create marketing object tabs and project tabs.

A grid can also be read-only, displaying data that you cannot edit.

IBM Unica Marketing Operations
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