Template Attachments tab

You can store attachments with a template, so that whenever an object is created from the template, certain images or documents are attached to the object by default.

Use this tab to perform the following actions.

Move folders up or down in the list; use the Up and Down links to reorder attachment folders.
Delete default attachments; click the Delete link next to the file you want to remove.
Delete folders; click the Delete link next to the folder you want to remove. Note that all attachments under the folder are also deleted.
Navigate to a template's Attachments page.
Click the Add an Attachment link next to the folder to contain the asset.
The Upload Attachment dialog appears.
Enter the filename and path or use the Browse button to locate the attachment.
Click Save Changes to attach the file.
The attachment file appears in the list under its folder.
On the Attachments tab, click Save Changes to save the new default attachment.
Repeat the steps to add as many attachments as needed.

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