Example of a custom alert

In this example, we construct a custom alert when a new project is created from a request.

Locale: English (or choose your locale)
Planning Object : Request
Alert Event : A project request is submitted
Click Get Alert Details in the Customize Alerts section.
<attribute>Logged in User</attribute> would like you to approve the request, <attribute>Request Name With Code/</attribute>
Body Message
Hello <attribute>Recipient</attribute>,
Your approval is needed to start this project. This request was created on <attribute>Created Date</attribute>.
You can approve the project here: <tab link="summary">Summary tab for the project</tab>
Click Save Changes in the Customize Alerts section.

Assume Connie Contact submits a request to Mary Manager. Mary receives the following alert:

Connie Contact would like you to approve the request, "July Magazines (TRS100)"

Hello Mary Manager,

Your approval is needed to start this project. This request was created on June 15, 2008.

You can approve the project here: Summary tab for the project

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