Managing offers in an integrated system

Campaign offers are created and maintained in integrated Unica Campaign exactly as they are in stand-alone Unica Campaign. You cannot create or edit offers in Unica Marketing Operations.

You can use a Unica Marketing Operations project to manage the workflow of creating an offer, but the work of creating the offer must be done in Unica Campaign. You can access and manage offers through the menu bar by selecting Campaign > Offers. If you use a Unica Marketing Operations project to manage an offer workflow, you should use a separate non-campaign project (because offers can be used in more than one campaign).

When Unica Marketing Operations and Unica Campaign are integrated, you assign offers to cells in the Target Cell Spreadsheet, which displays in Unica Marketing Operations as part of a campaign project. If you double-click the Assigned Offers column for a row when the TCS is in edit mode, you can search or browse offers. When you assign offers to cells and publish the TCS, the offers are automatically assigned to the cells when you select them in a contact process box in the flowchart.

Marketing Operations
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