Metric Editor Metrics screen

The metrics screen contains details about the metrics defined in the specifications file, and allows you to create new ones or edit the existing ones.

The metrics screen contains the following sections:

List area: the top portion of the screen lists existing metrics and some data for each.
Buttons: the center of the screen contains buttons for performing various actions. Additionally, the bottom of the screen contains buttons used when users create or edit a metric.
Definition area: the bottom portion of the screen contains fields used when creating or editing a metric.

The metrics screen contains the following information:

List/Definition Area
Keep this name to three 10-character words (or less), if possible. This is the display limit on metric rollup tables displayed within Unica Marketing Operations. For example, Mailed Client Savings is okay, while Savings Mailed to Prospective Clients will not display completely in rollup tables.

This field is used to control number of digits after decimal point for the metric value. It is used for both display and storage purposes. The “half-up” rounding rule is used, which works as follows:

If the digit to the left of the discarded fraction is odd, it will round up; if it's even, then round down. For example:

Buttons (center of the screen)

Marketing Operations
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