Interactive offers
Based on offer templates you define in the Campaign settings dialog, you can set up real-time interactive offers that Interact can recommend to visitors.
Interact does not currently support offer lists.
As you create your offers, remember that the Interact API can reference the following information from the offer:
As you map offers in Campaign to offers on your touchpoint, such as HTML code for a banner ad, keep in mind the information that is available to use as part of your naming conventions. For example, you might want to save all the banner ads in files named the same as the offer code for easy reference.
When you create a postEvent call that logs offer acceptance or rejection, you must include the offer treatment code. However, if you enable cross-session response tracking, you can match on the treatment code, offer code, or a custom code particular to your environment. For more details about cross-session response tracking, see the Interact Administrator's Guide.
You can use nameValuePair class of the Interact API to define or retrieve data from custom offer attributes.
If you change offers used in treatment rules, including retiring offers, you must redeploy all the interactive channels that are associated with the server group for the changes to take effect on the server group.
Offer templates for Interact
When you define offer templates for use in creating interactive offers for use with Interact, be aware of the following requirements:
You must enable the Interaction Point (IP) ID and Interaction Point Name offer attributes for all offers that are used by Interact. These attributes must exist, and are automatically populated during run time, overwriting any default IP ID or IP Name attributes you defined. The IP ID is the internal ID and the IP Name the name for the interaction point that is associated with the offer. This data is required for reporting.
If you do not enable Allow offers created from this template to be used in real-time interactions when you define the offer template, you can still use the offers defined from this template with treatment rules; however, Interact is unable to include those offers in reports, and offer suppression will not be available for use with the offers.
If your offer template contains the offer effective date and offer expiration date, you can define the dates relative to the Flowchart run date. For example, you can define the Offer Effective date to be the Flowchart run date. The offer can then expire some number of days after the effective date. For interactive flowcharts, the Flowchart run date is the time at which the runtime environment recommends the offer to the touchpoint for presentation.
Creating offer templates for Interact
Real-time offer suppression