Treatment rule advanced options
You can enhance your treatment rules with advanced options. You can add an expression to either determine whether the treatment rule is applicable or to override the marketing score.
Writing expressions for offer eligibility directly inside treatment rules allows you control over offer targeting from outside of interactive flowcharts. Some rules may be easier to manage at this level rather than at the segmentation level. For example, you could write the expression offer.dynamic.ownProductX='yes', that is, if the offer attribute ownProductX is yes, use this treatment rule. In this example, you could include a specific offer or you could have a different score for the offer for people who already own product X. You can build very specific treatment rules, for example, assigning specific offers based on offer attributes or the day of the week.
You can also write expressions to define or adjust the marketing score. For example, profileTable.dimensionTable.scoreAdj * MarketerScore, which multiplies the value of the scoreAdj column to the current marketing score defined by the slider for the treatment rule.