Configuring properties for Interact Extreme Scale Server
To enable the Interact Extreme Scale Server for caching runtime server activity, install it on each runtime server group. Set up the necessary configuration properties and files so that each runtime server communicates with the others in the caching group to ensure optimal performance.
Before you set the configuration properties in Marketing Platform, run the Interact installer and install the Interact Extreme Scale Server on each runtime server group. Interact Extreme Scale server caching solution is available for each Interact runtime environment that is configured in the server group.
Complete the following steps to set the configuration properties for Interact Extreme Scale Server in Marketing Platform:
On each Interact runtime server group, set the following configuration properties under the interact|cacheManagement|Cache Managers|Extreme Scale|Parameter Data category:
catalogPropertyFile. Set to the URL of the catalogServer.props file. For example, the URL is file:////EMM/Interact/interactWXSAdapter/config/catalogServer.props.
containerPropertyFile. Set to the URL of the containerServer.props file. For example, the URL is file:////EMM/Interact/interactWXSAdapter/config/containerServer.props.
deploymentPolicyFile. Set to the URL of the deployment.xml file. For example, the URL is file:////EMM/Interact/interactWXSAdapter/config/deployment.xml.
objectGridConfigFile. Set to the URL of the objectgrid.xml file. For example, the URL is file:////EMM/Interact/interactWXSAdapter/config/objectgrid.xml.
gridName. Set the value to InteractGrid.
catalogURLs. Set to the host name of the catalog server. For example, the host name
You can enter host names of multiple catalog servers. Make sure that you start all the catalog servers at the same time.
The catalogServer.props, containerServer.props, deployment.xml, and objectgrid.xml files are in the config directory under the Interact installation.
To enable Extreme Scale Server as the cache manager for each Interact runtime server, set the following configuration properties under the interact|cacheManagement|Caches|InteractCache category:
cacheManagerName. Set the value to Extreme Scale.
maxEntriesInCache. Set the value to the maximum number of entries that are allowed in a cache.
timeoutInSecs. Set the value to the time after which the server becomes inactive for an entry in the cache.
cacheManagerName. Set the value to Extreme Scale.
maxEntriesInCache. Set the value to the maximum number of entries that are allowed in a cache.
timeoutInSecs. Set the value to the time after which the server becomes inactive for every entry in the cache.
asmUser. Set the value to the user name in Marketing Platform.
asmDataSource. Set the value to the data source name in Marketing Platform.
maxConnection. Set the value to the maximum number of connections that are allowed in a cache at a time.
To optimize performance of the Interact runtime environment, you can reduce the maximum number of connections that are allowed in the cache at a time.
For more information about the configuration properties, see the IBM® Interact Administrator's Guide.
writeMode. Set the value to WRITE_THROUGH or WRITE_BEHIND. This value decides the mechanism that must be used for loading or writing the cache from Extreme Scale.
batchSize. Set the value to the number of records that must be written or loaded in one trip.
maxDelayInSecs. Set the value to the time for which the loader writer waits for the next round of loading or writing cache.
After you modify the configuration properties in Marketing Platform, you must restart the web application server where Marketing Platform is deployed.