Creating Interact user profile tables
Some features of Interact, such as global offers, offer suppression, and score override, require specific tables in your user profile databases. Run SQL scripts to create the required user tables.
Use your database client to run the appropriate SQL scripts against the appropriate database or schema and create the required user tables. If you have multiple audience levels defined, you must create a table for each audience level.
For more information about the profile database, and the role that offer suppression, global offers, and score override tables play in offer serving, see the IBM® Interact Administrator's Guide.
User profile tables
You must use SQL scripts to create the following optional profile tables:
The SQL scripts are in the ddl directory under your Interact installation.
You must run the SQL scripts once for every audience level. Modify the script for each audience level, after the first, and rename the profile tables that are created after you run the scripts.
Use the scripts in the following table to create the Interact user profile tables:
Microsoft SQL Server
Advanced scoring (optional)
For Interact built-in learning, you can use the advanced scoring feature to override components of the Interact learning algorithm.
All the SQL scripts are in the ddl/acifeatures directory under your Interact installation.
If your scoring tables are configured for Unicode, use the appropriate script in the ddl/acifeatures/Unicode directory under your Interact installation to create the learning tables. You must run the SQL scripts against the User Profile database.
Use the scripts in the following table to create the Interact scoring tables:
Microsoft SQL Server
Running database scripts to enable Interact features