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Preparing to Install
Interact basic installation checklist
Installing Interact with other system components
Basic installation of Interact
System requirements
IBM® Marketing Platform requirement
IBM® Campaign requirement
Knowledge requirement
Client machines
Access permissions
If you are upgrading or configuring multiple partitions
About preparing the IBM® Interact data sources
Step: Create databases or schemas
Required databases or schemas for Interact
Step: Create the ODBC or native connections on the Campaign machine
Step: Configure the web application server for your JDBC driver
Step: Create JDBC connections in the web application server
Information for creating JDBC connections
IBM® Interact database information checklist
Step: Obtain the IBM® installers
Copying installation files (DVD only)
How the IBM® EMM installers work
Single directory requirement for installer files
Installing the products
Choosing product installation directories
Installation types
Installation modes
Installing multiple times using unattended mode
Where to install IBM® Interact components
Where to install IBM® Interact Report Package components
About multiple Interact runtime servers
Information required to install all IBM® EMM products
Step: Run the IBM® EMM installer
Navigating in the installation wizards
IBM® Site ID
To create an EAR file after running the installer
About pre-deployment configuration of IBM® Interact
Step: Create and populate the Interact system tables
Step: Create the Interact user profile tables
Running database scripts to enable Interact features
Step: Register Interact manually, if necessary
To register IBM® Interact design environment manually
To register IBM® Interact runtime environment manually
The configTool utility
Step: Deploy IBM® Interact
WebSphere® guidelines
WebLogic guidelines
About post-deployment configuration of Interact
Steps: Set Interact configuration properties
Step: Configure Interact runtime environment properties
Step: Configure multiple Interact runtime servers
Step: Configure the Test Run data source
Step: Add server groups
Step: Select a server group for interactive flowchart test run
Step: Configure the contact and response history module
Step: Create the Interact system users
Step: Verify your Interact installation
About partitions
Setting up multiple partitions for Interact
Upgrade prerequisites for all IBM® EMM products
Order of upgrading
Interact upgrade scenarios
About upgrading Interact
Upgrading Interact
About the Interact upgrade tools
About the upgrade log
About upgrading partitions
About starting and stopping servers during upgrading
To upgrade from Interact 8.5x version or higher
Back up Interact runtime environment
Undeploy Interact runtime server
Unload unused files from memory (AIX® only)
Install the new version of Interact
Review SQL upgrade script and modify, if necessary
Example modifications to the SQL upgrade script
Set environment variables
Environment variables required by the upgrade tool
Run the upgrade tool for the design environment
Information required for running the design environment upgrade tool (aciUpgradeTool)
Run the upgrade tools for the runtime environment
Information required for running the runtime environment upgrade tools
Redeploy Interact runtime server in the web application server
Uninstalling IBM® products
To uninstall Interact
Come contattare il supporto tecnico di IBM®
Informazioni particolari
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