Design environment
Designing your Interact configuration is a multi-step process involving many people in your organization. This section focuses on the various configuration steps required within the design environment.
A large portion of the Interact configuration consists of setting up the integration with your touchpoint using the Interact API. For details regarding working with the Interact API, see the Interact Administrator's Guide
A portion of the Interact design workflow
The previous diagram is an extract from the full design workflow, showing only the configuration components which take place in the design environment. While this diagram shows a linear progression, in practice, many people can be working on different components at the same time. It is also an iterative process, for example, as you work with treatment rules, you may discover that you need to reorganize your interaction points and zones. Working with Interact configurations is also related to creating and working with traditional campaigns.
A sample workflow could contain the following steps.
After all of these tasks are completed, you have created all the components necessary for a Interact configuration in the design environment. You can mark these configurations Ready for deployment. Once the Interact administrator deploys the configurations to the runtime servers, and the touchpoint has been integrated with the Interact API, your Interact implementation is complete.
About the Interact API
Working with interactive channels
Working with zones
Working with categories
Working with constraints
Working with learning models
Working with smart segments
Define offers
Working with treatment rules
(Optional) Assign target and control cells
Deploy the Interact configuration