To add a treatment rule
You must create smart segments and offers before creating treatment rules.
The Add Rules panel appears.
Add a segment to a rule by selecting a segment from the Select interactive segments to target tab of the Add Rules panel and dragging it to the rules table.
The area where the new treatment rule will be created turns pink. The order of the rules does not matter.
Click Select offers to recommend.
The Select offers to recommend tab displays.
Add an offer to a rule by selecting an offer from the Select offers to recommend tab of the Add Rules panel and dragging it to the rules table.
The area where the new treatment rule will be created turns pink. The order of the rules does not matter, however, dragging to an offer inserts the rule above the selected offer. Dragging to a segment, inserts the rule at the bottom of the list of treatment rules.
You can add multiple offers to the same segment.
Click Finish to close the Add Rules panel.
You receive a warning if you add the same offer to the same segment for the same zone, other than All Zones, to prevent duplication. You can choose to ignore this warning.
You can view segments and offers either in the tree view or list view. The tree view displays the segments or offers in the folder structure you create on the respective segment or offer page. The list view displays the segments or offers in alphabetical order by name. The Source Flowchart and Last Run columns are empty for all smart segments. You can also search for segments and offers by name, description, or code. The search for segments should display smart segments only.
You can view the Interactive Cell Performance by Offer report for a segment by clicking the View link under Performance Statistics. If you select offers that do not have Allow offers created from this template to be used in real-time interactions. enabled, no data is collected for reporting.
To add advanced options
Treatment rule advanced option expressions
To enable and disable treatment rules
To delete treatment rules