Step: Create JDBC connections in the web application server
You must create JDBC connections in each of the web application servers on which Campaign and Interact will be deployed as listed in the following table.
The list also provides the recommended JNDI names. Using these names simplifies configuration, as they match the default values of configuration properties that refer to these connections.
Interact runtime tables
JNDI name: InteractRTDS
Interact test run tables (which may be the same as the Customer (User) tables)
JNDI name: testRunDataSource
JNDI name: InteractRTDS
JNDI name: prodUserDataSource
JNDI name: testRunDataSource
JNDI name: InteractLearningDS
Jndi name: contactAndResponseHistoryDataSource
Marketing Platform system tables
JNDI name: UnicaPlatformDS
You must set up this JDBC connection only if you are installing the Interact runtime in a web application server where Marketing Platform is not currently deployed. If Marketing Platform is deployed in the same web application server, this JDBC connection is already defined.
Record the JNDI names that you used in the IBM Unica Interact database information checklist.
Information for JDBC connections