To upgrade from any Interact 7.x or 8.x version
The following lists provide the tasks you need to perform to upgrade from any Interact 7.x or 8.x version to the new version of Interact.
After you upgrade your Interact design environment and runtime environments, you are ready to upgrade your Interact implementation.
Back up Interact runtime environment
Undeploy Interact runtime server
Install the new version of Interact
Review SQL upgrade script and modify, if necessary
Set environment variables
Run the upgrade tool for the design environment
Run the upgrade tools for the runtime environment
Redeploy Interact runtime server in the web application server
Upgrade existing interactive channels (only if upgrading from 7.5.x versions)
Upgrade existing interactive flowcharts (only if upgrading from 7.5.x versions)
Convert categories to templates (upgrades from 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 only; not applicable for upgrades from 7.5.3 to 8.x)
Upgrade Interact API