Step: Configure the Test Run data source
Interactive flowcharts require a connection to the Interact test run tables by adding the Interact test run tables as a Campaign data source. To add an additional Campaign data source, add a new category to Campaign > partitions > partitionN > datasources as described in the IBM® Unica® Campaign Installation Guide.
Use the OwnerForTableDisplay property to define a database schema to limit the tables displayed when mapping tables in an interactive channel.
The test run data source used in the Interact design time should specify the JNDI name of the design time test run tables.
If you are configuring your Interact environment for multiple locales, see the IBM® Unica® Campaign Administrator's Guide for information on configuring the encoding properties as required for your database type.
If you are using a SQL Server database and you are setting your locale to Japanese or Korean, you must configure the following properties in your test run data source.
Campaign > partitions > partitionN > datasources > testRunDataSource > ODBCUnicodeUCS-2
Campaign > partitions > partitionN > datasources > testRunDataSource > stringEncodingWIDEUTF-8