To view the interaction strategy tab
Whenever a campaign has one or more interaction strategy tabs associated with it, you can view each tab to see the current, detailed settings and deployment status of the interaction strategy, and you can also mark the interaction strategy for deployment without entering edit mode. This section describes the information you can see while in view-only mode.
Interactive channel information
The For The Interactive Channel field displays the interactive channel with which this interaction strategy tab is associated. Click the name of the interactive channel to go directly to the Summary tab of the associated interactive channel.
Deployment information
There are two fields on the interaction strategy tab that provide you with deployment information:
Mark for deployment. If the current status is "Not Yet Deployed," you can click this button to mark the interaction strategy for deployment.
Mark for undeployment. If the current status is "Deployed," you can click this button to mark the interaction strategy for undeployment.
Cancel Deployment Request. If you have clicked Mark for Deployment, you can undo that request by clicking this button.
Cancel Undeployment Request. If you have clicked Mark for Undeployment, you can undo that request by clicking this button.
Viewing the treatment rules
The interaction strategy tab contains a complete list of the treatment rules available for the strategy. You can use this list to view treatment rules in the following ways:
View by menu
By default, the table shows all values for the specific segments or zones. If a column heading is accompanied by the filter icon (Filter icon), you can click the icon to select only the specific items of that type you want to display. See Filtering tables in IBM Unica products for more information about using column filters.
To modify any information on the Interaction Strategy tab, click the Edit Strategy icon to enter edit mode.
Sorting tables in IBM Unica products