Filtering tables in IBM® Unica® products
When you are viewing a table of information in IBM® Unica® products, features may be available that allow you to include or omit specific information (filter) the table view, based on one column value or based on combinations of column values. This section describes how to identify and use filtering options, when they are available in a table.
The steps described here apply only to tables where filtering by column heading is supported. To identify a table where this feature is supported, look for the following icon in any column heading:
Column heading showing the filter controlWhen this icon is gray, this indicates that filtering is available but not currently in use for this column. The different states of this icon are described below:
Column heading showing the inactive filter control
Column heading showing the active filter control
When you click the icon, the filter dialog appears displaying all of the values on which you can filter the table. By default, all of the values are selected, indicating that no information is currently omitted from the table based on this filter criterion.
For example, if you were filtering the Status column, you might select the Failed check box, and clear the remaining check boxes, to display only items with a status of "Failed" in the table.
This is useful if you only want to display a small number from a long list of possible values; you can clear all of the check boxes at once, then select only those you want to display.
This has the same effect as selecting all of the check boxes.
When you filter on more than one column, the filters are combined. For example, if you were to filter out some server groups and also filter out some status values, the results would be combined to show only the server groups you chose to display that have the specified status values.