WebLogic guidelines
Follow the guidelines in this section when deploying IBM® Unica Marketing products on WebLogic.
All versions of WebLogic, all IBM® Unica Marketing products
IBM® Unica Marketing products customize the JVM used by WebLogic. You may need to create a WebLogic instance dedicated to IBM® Unica Marketing products if you encounter JVM-related errors.
Verify that the SDK selected for the WebLogic domain you are using is the Sun SDK by looking in the startup script (startWebLogic.cmd) for the JAVA_VENDOR variable. It should be set to: JAVA_VENDOR=Sun . If it is set to JAVA_VENDOR=BEA , JRockit has been selected. JRockit is not supported. To change the selected SDK, refer to the WebLogic documentation.
Deploy the IBM® Unica Marketing products as web application modules.
On UNIX systems, you must start WebLogic from the console to allow correct rendering of graphical charts. The console is usually the machine on which the server is running. In some cases, however, the web application server is set up differently.
If a console is not accessible or does not exist, you can emulate a console using Exceed. You must configure Exceed so that your local Xserver process connects to the UNIX machine in root window or single window mode. If you start the web application server using Exceed, you must keep Exceed running in the background to allow the web application server to continue running. Please contact IBM® Unica® Technical Support for detailed instructions if you encounter problems with chart rendering.
Connecting to the UNIX machine via telnet or SSH always causes problems rendering charts.
Add the following parameters in the JAVA_OPTIONS section of startWeblogic.cmd or startWeblogic.sh:
-Dcollaborate.home=Distributed Marketing installation directory