Step: Configure multiple Interact runtime servers
If possible, you should configure your server groups to work with a load balancer with persistent (sticky) sessions enabled. If this is not possible, you must create some method of selecting runtime servers from a server group when working with the Interact API.
If you cannot use a load balancer with persistent (sticky) sessions, you can configure the runtime servers in a server group to use a multicast address for sharing cache data. All of these servers must comprise a single server group.
Install additional Interact runtime servers as described in this guide.
When installing multiple runtime servers, you must remove network connectivity for the Interact Run Time machine before running the installer, so that additional Interact installations do not overwrite the Marketing Platform configuration.
After installing all instances of the Interact Run Time server, restart Marketing Platform.
Interact > sessionManagement > multicastIPAddress — define the IP address all the Interact servers for this server group use for listening. This IP address must be unique across your server groups.
Interact > sessionManagement > multicastPort — define the port all the Interact servers use for listening.
When uninstalling an Interact server from a server group, you must follow special instructions to be sure that you do not accidentally remove all IBM® Unica Marketing configuration.