Interact > general > systemTablesDataSource > loaderProperties

These configuration properties define the settings a database loader utility for the system tables for runtime environment. You need to define these properties if you are using a database loader utility only.


The name of the database the database loader connects to.

Default value

No default value defined.


The LoaderCommandForAppend parameter specifies the command issued to invoke your database load utility for appending records to the contact and response history staging database tables in Interact. You need to set this parameter to enable the database loader utility for contact and response history data.

This parameter is specified as a full path name either to the database load utility executable or to a script that launches the database load utility. Using a script allows you to perform additional setup before invoking the load utility.

Most database load utilities require several arguments to be successfully launched. These can include specifying the data file and control file to load from and the database and table to load into. The tokens are replaced by the specified elements when the command is run.

Consult your database load utility documentation for the correct syntax to use when invoking your database load utility.

This parameter is undefined by default.

Tokens available to LoaderCommandForAppend are described in the following table.




This token is replaced with the full path and filename to the temporary control file that Interact generates according to the template that is specified in the LoaderControlFileTemplate parameter.


This token is replaced with the name of the data source into which Interact is loading data. This is the same data source name used in the category name for this data source.


This token is replaced with the full path and filename to the temporary data file created by Interact during the loading process. This file is in the Interact Temp directory, UNICA_ACTMPDIR.


This token is replaced with the column ordinal in the database.


This token is replaced with the length of the field being loaded into the database.


This token is replaced with the name of the field being loaded into the database.


This token is replaced with the number of the field being loaded into the database.


This token is replaced with the literal "CHAR( )". The length of this field is specified between the (). If your database happens to not understand the field type, CHAR, you can manually specify the appropriate text for the field type and use the <FIELDLENGTH> token. For example, for SQLSVR and SQL2000 you would use "SQLCHAR(<FIELDLENGTH>)"


This token is replaced with the type of database into which this field is loaded.


This token is replaced with the number of fields in the table.


This token is replaced with the database password from the current flowchart connection to the data source.


This token is replaced with the database table name into which Interact is loading data.


This token is replaced with the database user from the current flowchart connection to the data source.

Default value

No default value defined.


The LoaderControlFileTemplateForAppend property specifies the full path and filename to the control file template that has been previously configured in Interact. When this parameter is set, Interact dynamically builds a temporary control file based on the template that is specified here. The path and name of this temporary control file is available to the <CONTROLFILE> token that is available to the LoaderCommandForAppend property.

Before you use Interact in the database loader utility mode, you must configure the control file template that is specified by this parameter. The control file template supports the following tokens, which are dynamically replaced when the temporary control file is created by Interact.

See your database loader utility documentation for the correct syntax required for your control file. Tokens available to your control file template are the same as those for the LoaderControlFileTemplate property.

This parameter is undefined by default.

Default value

No default value defined.


The LoaderDelimiterForAppend property specifies whether the temporary Interact data file is a fixed-width or delimited flat file, and, if it is delimited, the character or set of characters used as delimiters.

If the value is undefined, Interact creates the temporary data file as a fixed width flat file.

If you specify a value, it is used when the loader is invoked to populate a table that is not known to be empty. Interact creates the temporary data file as a delimited flat file, using the value of this property as the delimiter.

This property is undefined by default.

Valid values

Characters, which you may enclose in double quotation marks, if desired.

Default value

Some external load utilities require that the data file be delimited and that each line end with the delimiter. To accommodate this requirement, set the LoaderDelimiterAtEndForAppend value to TRUE, so that when the loader is invoked to populate a table that is not known to be empty, Interact uses delimiters at the end of each line.

Valid values


Default value



The LoaderUseLocaleDP property specifies, when Interact writes numeric values to files to be loaded by a database load utility, whether the locale-specific symbol is used for the decimal point.

Set this value to FALSE to specify that the period (.) is used as the decimal point.

Set this value to TRUE to specify that the decimal point symbol appropriate to the locale is used.

Valid values


Default value


IBM Unica Interact
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