Interact > profile > Audience Levels > [AudienceLevelName]

This set of configuration properties enables you to define the table names required for additional Interact features. You are only required to define the table name if you are using the associated feature.


The name of the table containing the score override information for this audience level. This property is applicable if you have set enableScoreOverrideLookup to true. You have to define this property for the audience levels for which you want to enable a score override table. If you have no score override table for this audience level, you can leave this property undefined, even if enableScoreOverrideLookup is set to true.

Interact looks for this table in the customer tables accessed by Interact runtime servers, defined by the prodUserDataSource properties.

If you have defined the schema property for this data source, Interact prepends this table name with the schema, for example, schema.UACI_ScoreOverride. If you enter a fully-qualified name, for example, mySchema.UACI_ScoreOverride, Interact does not prepend the schema name.

Default value



The name of the table containing the offer suppression information for this audience level. You have to define this property for the audience levels for which you want to enable an offer suppression table. If you have no offer suppression table for this audience level, you can leave this property undefined, even if enableOfferSuppressionLookup is set to true.

Interact looks for this table in the customer tables accessed by runtime servers, defined by the prodUserDataSource properties.

Default value



In a new installation of Interact, this property is deprecated. In an upgraded installation of Interact, this property is valid until the first deployment.

The name of the table containing the profile data for this audience level.

Interact looks for this table in the customer tables accessed by runtime servers, defined by the prodUserDataSource properties.

If you have defined the schema property for this data source, Interact prepends this table name with the schema, for example, schema.UACI_usrProd. If you enter a fully-qualified name, for example, mySchema.UACI_usrProd, Interact does not prepend the schema name.

Default value

No default value defined.


The name of the staging table for the contact history data for this audience level.

This table is stored in the runtime environment tables (systemTablesDataSource).

If you have defined the schema property for this data source, Interact prepends this table name with the schema, for example, schema.UACI_CHStaging. If you enter a fully-qualified name, for example, mySchema.UACI_CHStaging, Interact does not prepend the schema name.

Default value



The name of the contact history offer attributes table for this audience level.

This table is stored in the runtime environment tables (systemTablesDataSource).

If you have defined the schema property for this data source, Interact prepends this table name with the schema, for example, schema.UACI_CHOfferAttrib. If you enter a fully-qualified name, for example, mySchema.UACI_CHOfferAttrib, Interact does not prepend the schema name.

Default value



The name of the response history staging table for this audience level.

This table is stored in the runtime environment tables (systemTablesDataSource).

If you have defined the schema property for this data source, Interact prepends this table name with the schema, for example, schema.UACI_RHStaging. If you enter a fully-qualified name, for example, mySchema.UACI_RHStaging, Interact does not prepend the schema name.

Default value



The name of the table for this audience level required for cross-session response tracking in the contact and response history tables accessible for the response tracking feature.

If you have defined the schema property for this data source, Interact prepends this table name with the schema, for example, schema.UACI_XSessResponse. If you enter a fully-qualified name, for example, mySchema.UACI_XSessResponse, Interact does not prepend the schema name.

Default value


IBM Unica Interact
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