Interact > offerserving

These configuration properties define the generic learning configuration properties.

If you are using built-in learning, to tune your learning implementation, use the configuration properties for the design environment.


The optimizationType property defines whether Interact uses a learning engine to assist with offer assignments. If set to NoLearning, Interact does not use learning. If set to BuiltInLearning, Interact uses the baysean learning engine built with Interact. If set to ExternalLearning, Interact uses a learning engine you provide. If you select ExternalLearning, you must define the externalLearningClass and externalLearningClassPath properties.

Valid values

NoLearning | BuiltInLearning | ExternalLearning

Default value



The maximum number of milliseconds that the runtime server waits for an interactive flowchart to complete before getting offers.

Default value



The prefix prepended to treatment codes.

Default value

No default value defined.

IBM Unica Interact
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