Interact > services > crossSessionResponse > OverridePerAudience > [AudienceLevel] > TrackingCodes > byTreatmentCode

The properties in this section define how cross-session response tracking matches treatment codes to contact and response history.


This property defines whether Interact uses the System Generated SQL or custom SQL defined in the OverrideSQL property.

Valid values

Use System Generated SQL | Override SQL

Default value

Use System Generated SQL


If you do not use the default SQL command to match the treatment code to the contact and response history, enter the SQL or stored procedure here.

This value is ignored if SQL is set to Use System Generated SQL.

Default value

If set to true, the OverrideSQL must contain a reference to a stored procedure which matches the treatment code to the contact and response history.

If set to false, the OverrideSQL, if used, must be an SQL query.

Valid values

true | false

Default value



The associated TrackingCodeType defined in the UACI_TrackingType table in the runtime environment tables. Unless you revise the UACI_TrackingType table, the Type must be 1.

Valid values

An integer defined in the UACI_TrackingType table.

Default value


IBM Unica Interact
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