Runtime environment staging tables to Campaign history tables mapping

The following tables show how the runtime environment staging tables map to the Campaign history tables. Remember that you should have one of these tables for each audience level. The table names shown are the sample tables created for the default audience in the runtime tables and the Campaign system tables.


Interact contact history staging table column name

Campaign contact history table

Table column name

ContactID is a key to join the UACI_CHOfferAtrib with UACI_CHStaging.


Interact contact history staging table column name

Campaign contact history table

Table column name

ContactID is a key to join the UACI_CHOfferAtrib with UACI_CHStaging.


Interact response history staging table column name

Campaign response history table

Table column name

SeqNum is a key used by the contact and response history module to identify data, but is not recorded in the Campaign response tables.

The userDefinedFields column can contain any data you choose. If you add columns to the staging tables, the contact and response history module writes them to the UA_DtlContactHist or UA_ResponseHistory tables in columns of the same name. For example, if you add the column linkFrom to your UACI_CHStaging table, the contact and response history module will copy that data to the linkFrom column in the UA_DtlContactHist table.


You populate extra columns in the staging tables by creating column with the same names as your name-value pairs in your runtime session data. For example, if you create name-value pairs NumberItemsInWishList and NumberItemsInShoppingCart, when a Log Offer Acceptance or Log Offer Rejection event occurs, if the columns NumberItemsInWishList and NumberItemsInShoppingCart exist in your UACI_RHStaging table, the runtime environment populates those fields. The runtime environment populates the UACI_CHStaging table when a Log Offer Contact event occurs.

You can use these user defined fields to include the score used to present an offer. Add a column named FinalScore to both the UACI_CHStaging table in the runtime tables and the UA_DtlContactHist table in the Campaign system tables. Interact automatically populates the FinalScore column with the final score used for the offer if you are using built-in learning.

If you are building a customized learning module, you can use the setActualValueUsed method of the ITreatment interface and the logEvent method of the ILearning interface.

If you are not using learning, add a column named Score to both the UACI_CHStaging table in the runtime tables and the UA_DtlContactHist table in the Campaign system tables. Interact automatically populates the Score column with the score used for the offer.

IBM Unica Interact
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