Campaign > partitions > partition[n] > Interact > contactAndResponseHistTracking > runtimeDataSources > [runtimeDataSource]

These configuration properties define the data source for the Interact contact and response history module.


Use the systemTablesDataSource property to identify the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) data source that is defined in the application server (Websphere or WebLogic) for the Interact runtime tables.

The Interact runtime database is the database populated with the aci_runtime and aci_populate_runtime dll scripts and, for example, contains the following tables (among others): UACI_CHOfferAttrib and UACI_DefaultedStat.

Default value

No default value defined.


This property is applicable only if you have installed Interact.


Database type for the Interact runtime data source.

Valid values

SQLServer | Oracle | DB2

Default value



This property is applicable only if you have installed Interact.


The name of the schema containing the contact and response history module staging tables. This should be the same as the runtime environment tables.

You do not have to define a schema.

Default value

No default value defined.

IBM Unica Interact
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