Generating a list of candidate offers

Generating a list of candidate offers has two major stages. The first stage is generating a list of all possible offers for which the customer may be eligible. The second stage is filtering out any offer for which the customer is no longer eligible. There are several places in both stages where you can influence the generation of the candidate offer list.

This diagram shows the stages of the candidate offer list generation. The arrows show the order of precedence. For example, if an offer passes the Max # of times to present an offer filter, but fails the Global offer inclusion rules filter, the runtime environment excludes the offer.

Global offer assignments — You can define global offers by audience level using the global offers table.
Treatment rules — The basic method to define offers by segment by interaction point using the interaction strategy tab.
Individual offer assignments — You can define specific offer assignments by customer using the score override table.
Offer expiration date — When you create an offer in Campaign, you can define an expiration date. If the expiration date for an offer has passed, the runtime environment excludes the offer.
Campaign start and end date — When you create a campaign in Campaign, you can define a start and end date for the campaign. If the start date for the campaign has not occurred or the end date for the campaign has passed, the runtime environment excludes the offer.
Offer suppression — You can define offer suppression for specific audience members using the offer suppression table.
Max # times to present an offer — When you define an interactive channel, you define the maximum number of times to present an offer to a customer per session. If the offer has already been presented this number of times, the runtime environment excludes the offer.
Global offer inclusion rules — You can define a boolean expression to filter offers on an audience level using the global offers table. If the result is false, the runtime environment excludes the offer.
Advanced options — You can use the Consider this rule eligible if the following expression is true advanced option in a treatment rule to filter offers on a segment level. If the result is false, the runtime environment excludes the offer.
Individual offer inclusion rules — You can define a boolean expression to filter offers on a customer level using the score override table. If the result is false, the runtime environment excludes the offer.

IBM Unica Interact
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