Test run tables

The test run tables are used for test runs of interactive flowcharts only. Test runs of interactive flowcharts should test your segmentation logic. You only need to configure one test run database for your Interact installation. The test run tables do not need to be in a stand-alone database. You could, for example, use your customer data tables for Campaign.

The database user associated with the test run tables must have CREATE privileges to add the test run result tables.

The test run database must contain all tables mapped in the interactive channel.

These tables should contain data to run scenarios you want to test in your interactive flowcharts. For example, if your interactive flowcharts have logic to sort people into segments based on the choice selected in a voice mail system, you should have at least one row for every possible selection. If you are creating an interaction that works with a form on your web site, you should include rows representing missing or malformed data, for example, use name@domaincom for the value of an email address.

Each test run table must contain at least a list of IDs for the appropriate audience level, and a column representing the real time data you expect to use. Since test runs do not have access to real time data, you must supply sample data for every piece of expected real time data. For example, if you want to use data you can collect in real time, such as the name of the last web page visited, stored in the attribute lastPageVisited, or the number of items in a shopping cart, stored in the attribute shoppingCartItemCount, you must create columns with the same names, and populate the columns with sample data. This allows you to test run the branches of your flowchart logic that are behavioral or contextual in nature.

Test runs of interactive flowcharts are not optimized for working with large sets of data. You can limit the number of rows used for the test run in the Interaction process. However, this always results in the first set of rows being selected. To ensure that different sets of rows are selected, use different views of the test run tables.

To test the throughput performance of interactive flowcharts in runtime, you must create a test runtime environment, including a profile table for the testing environment.

In practice, you may need three sets of tables for testing, a test run table for test runs of interactive flowcharts, test profile tables for the testing server group, and a set of production profile tables.

IBM Unica Interact
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