Score override table

The score override table must exist in your production profile database. You can create a sample score override table, UACI_ScoreOverride by running the aci_usertab SQL script against your profile database. The aci_usertab SQL script is located in the ddl directory in your runtime environment installation directory.

You must define the AudienceID, OfferCode1, and Score fields for each row. The values in the other fields are optional to constrain your individual offer assignments further or provide score override information for the built-in learning.

(Required) The name of this column must match the name of the column defining the audience ID in Campaign. The sample table created by the aci_usertab ddl file create this column as the CustomerID column. If your audience ID consists of multiple columns, you can add them to this table. Each row must contain the audience ID to which you assign the individual offer, for example, customer1. For best performance, you should create an index on this column.



(Required) The offer code for the offer. If your offer codes are made of multiple fields, you can add the additional columns, for example OfferCode2 and so on.

If you are adding this offer to provide an individual offer assignment, you must add this offer to the UACI_ICBatchOffers table.



If set to 0 or null (or any number other than 1), use any data for the offer only if the offer exists in the candidate list of offers. In general, use 0 to provide score overrides. You must provide a cell code

If set to 1, if the offer does not exist in the candidate list of offers, add this offer to the list as well as using any score data for the offer. In general, use 1 to provide individual offer assignments.



You can enter expressions in this column as for advanced options for treatment rules. You can use the same variables and macros available to you when writing advanced options for treatment rules. The behavior of this column depends on the value in the EnableStateID column.

If the EnableStateID is 2, this column works the same as Consider this rule eligible if the following expression is true option in the advanced options for treatment rules to constrain this offer assignment. This column must contain a boolean expression, and resolve to true to include this offer.
If the EnableStateID is 3, this column works the same as Use the following expression as the marketing score option in the advanced options for treatment rules to constrain this offer. This column must contain an expression that resolves to a number.
If the EnableStateID is 1, Interact ignores any value in this column.



The cell code for an interactive segment to which you want to assign this offer. If your cell codes are made of multiple fields, you can add the additional columns.

You must provide a cell code if OverrideTypeID is 0 or null. If you do not include a cell code, the run time environment ignores this row of data.

If the OverrideTypeID is 1, you do not have to provide a cell code in this column. If you do not provide a cell code, the runtime environment uses the cell code defined in the DefaultCellCode property for this audience level and table for reporting purposes.



The value in this column defines the behavior of the Predicate column.

1 - Do not use the Predicate column.
2 - Use Predicate as a boolean to filter the offer. This follows the same rules as the Consider this rule eligible if the following expression is true advanced option in a treatment rule.
3 - Use Predicate to define the marketer's score. This follows the same rules as the Use the following expression as the marketing score advanced option in a treatment rule.

Any row where this column is Null or any value other than 2 or 3 ignores the Predicate column.

IBM Unica Interact
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