Reserved parameters

There are several reserved parameters used with the Interact API. Some are required for the runtime server, and others you can use for additional features.

postEvent features
An integer with the value 1 or 0. 1 indicates the runtime environment should log the event as an accept for learning. 0 indicates the runtime environment should not log the event for learning. This parameter enables you to create several postEvent methods logging different response types without influencing learning. You do not need to define this parameter for events set to log a contact, accept, or reject. You must use this parameter in conjunction with UACIResponseTypeCode. If you do not define UACILOGTOLEARNING, the runtime environment assumes the default value of 0 (unless the event triggers a log contact, accept, or reject).
If you define this parameter for any method which triggers segmentation (startSession, setAudience, or a postEvent that triggers re-segmentation), instead of running all flowcharts for the current audience level, Interact runs only the named flowcharts. You can provide a list of flowcharts separated by a pipe ( | ) character.
runtime environment reserved parameters

The following reserved parameters are used by the runtime environment. Do not use these names for your event parameters.


IBM Unica Interact
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