Expression examples
This section provides examples of using different operators to build expressions.
Example 1
This example shows a simple AND expression.
Look for:
transactions that have a price per share greater than $99.99
are for accounts from New York
were processed on June 15, 2013
Example 2
This example shows an OR expression with AND expressions.
Look for accounts that are from New York AND had transactions processed between December 25, 2013 and January 1, 2014
Look for accounts that are from New Jersey AND that had transactions processed between December 25, 2013 and January 1, 2014
Example 3
This example shows an AND expression with OR expressions.
Look for:
accounts from New York OR from New Jersey OR from Connecticut that had transactions processed on June 15, 2014
the price per share was greater than $99.99
Example 4
This example shows a NOT expression with OR expressions.
where the price per share was less than $99.99
that are associated with accounts that are not from New York
that processed on June 15, 2014