Before you install IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition
Before you begin to install IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition, review the following information.
-Database type : db2
-Database host : localhost
-Database port : 50000
-Database username : db2instl
-Database name : SPSSMAME

-Application server
-Application server type : websphere
-Server installation directory path : /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
-JVM path : /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java
-WebSphere profile : /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01
-WebSphere server name : server1
-WebSphere node : localhostNode01
-Admin security enabled : true
-Application server username : admin

-Reuse keystore : false

-Deployment mode
-Deployment : Automatic
Be sure to copy the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition install packages in the installers directory.
During installation
You may see the following warning during installation:
(<unknown>:38376): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path:
This does not impact the success of the installation.
After installation
When the installation completes, the following summary screen displays: