Editing campaigns
Users with appropriate permissions can use the Campaign Summary page to edit a campaign's details and access its flowcharts, reports, and target cell spreadsheet. Additionally, if you have the appropriate permissions, you can perform actions such as adding flowcharts, segments, or offers to a campaign.
Choose Campaign > Campaigns.
On the All Campaigns page, click the name of a campaign.
The campaign opens to its Summary tab.
Alternatively, click the Edit a tab icon Tiny blue pencil icon next to the campaign name to open a specific tab for editing.
Choose Help > Help for this page to see explanations of each field on the Summary tab.
To edit details about the campaign, click the Edit Summary icon Page with pencil icon in the toolbar, and then click the Save and Finish button when you are done.
To add a flowchart to the campaign, click the Add a Flowchart icon Process graph with plus sign icon in the toolbar.
To edit the campaign's Target Cell Spreadsheet, click the Target Cells tab then click the Edit icon Page with pencil icon.