Creating campaigns
Follow these instructions to create a campaign. Each marketing campaign has a business objective, a corporate-defined initiative specific to your marketing plan, and a date range during which the campaign is effective.
If Campaign is integrated with Marketing Operations, you create campaigns from the Operations > Projects menu. See the Marketing Operations documentation for more information.
Select Campaign > Campaigns.
The All Campaigns page displays the folders or campaigns in the current partition.
Click the Add a Campaign icon Page with plus sign icon.
Complete the Campaign Summary fields on the New Campaign page.
Choose Help > Help for this page to see explanations of each field.
Click Save and Finish to save the campaign without adding a flowchart yet. Use this approach if you want to do other initial steps before you create flowcharts. For example, you can create and associate offers and strategic segments with a campaign before you create flowcharts.
Click Save and Add a Flowchart to immediately start creating a flowchart for the campaign.