How the contact history tables are updated
Entries are written to the Campaign contact history tables when a flowchart contact process (Call List or Mail List) or the Track process runs in production mode with the history logging options enabled. Test runs do not populate the contact history tables.
When contact history logging is enabled, the following details are written to contact history during a production run:
The following system tables are involved:
Treatment history and offer history are used together with contact history to form a complete historical record of offers that were sent. Controls, who were not assigned offers, are identified in the Treatment table.
History is updated only if the Log to Contact History Tables option is checked in the Mail List, Call List, or Track process configuration dialog box.
This does not affect how eMessage and Interact load data into the Campaign history tables. Those products use their own ETL processes to extract, transform, and load data into the Campaign contact and response history tables.
Treatment history (UA_Treatment)
Base contact history (UA_ContactHistory)
Detailed contact history (UA_DtlContactHist)
Offer history