Writing additionally tracked fields to contact history
You can create additionally tracked fields and populate them in the base contact history table. For example, you might want to write out the treatment code from the treatment table, or an offer attribute, as an additionally tracked field in contact history.
However, since it is cell membership that is being captured in base contact history, and each target or control cell writes one row per audience ID, note that if you are populating additionally tracked fields in base contact history with offer or treatment data, only the first treatment for each target or control cell is written out.
When the flowchart containing the contact process that assigns the listed offers to TargetCell1 and TargetCell2 is run in production (with writing to contact history enabled), a treatment is created for each combination of cell, offer given, and the run date/time. In other words, six treatments are created in this example:
If you added Treatment Code as an additionally tracked field in base contact history, only the first target or control treatment for each cell is written out. In this example, therefore, only three rows are written to base contact history, for the first treatment for each cell:
For this reason, capturing offer-level attributes in the base contact history table may not be a good practice, since it will only provide complete contact information if:
In any other instance, only data associated with the first treatment (or control treatment) is output. An alternative is to use a database view to flatten and provide access to offer-level information by joining the UA_ContactHistory and UA_Treatment system tables. You can also output this information to alternate contact history.
If you output offer attribute information as additionally tracked fields, complete treatment information can be displayed because detailed contact history and alternate contact history write a row for each treatment (rather than a row for each cell).