Displaying the contents of cells (Cell Content report)
Use the Cell Content report to display details of the records in a cell. Using the report options, you can display actual field values, such as the email addresses, phone numbers, and other demographic data for each customer in the cell.
The report can display values from any table sources defined at the current audience level. This report is useful for verifying the results of runs and to confirm that you are selecting the intended set of contacts.
Click Reports Bar chart icon in flowchart toolbar in the toolbar.
Select Cell Content from the Report to View list.
Select a cell from the Cell To View menu.
(Optional) To modify the display, click Options Radio buttons with menu arrow that points down icon, then specify the following options in the Report Options window:
Max. number of rows to view: Change the maximum number of rows that the report displays. The default is 100.
Fields to View: Select fields in the Available Fields area and add them to the Fields to View area.
Skip Records with Duplicate IDs: Choose to skip records with duplicate fields. This is useful if you are using non-normalized tables. This option is disabled by default.